Step 1 - General Information:

1. Select your country, Australia

2. Enter your first name and last name

3. Enter your current email address. This should be an email address you currently have access to. It is the one the setup information will be sent to.

4. Enter your business phone number

5. Enter your Company Name

6. Click Next

Step 2 – Create your user ID:

1. Enter the user name as you want it to appear in the email address. 

2. In the next field (the one labelled Yourcomany). Enter the domain name of the email you want to use. 

  • So if your website is or the email address you want to use is [email protected] then enter myawesomecompany in this field.
  • You don't need to worry about adding the .com or portion to your email, this is something we will take care of when we set up our servers for use with this email address. So make sure to only enter the portion that comes after the @ symbol and omit .com or etc.

3. The summary below this should then read something similar to j[email protected], but with your information and not the example obviously

  •  Don’t worry about the .onmicrosoft bit at the moment, that will be removed in a later setup stage.

4. Create your password.

5. Click Next

Step 3 – Prove you’re not a robot:

This step is required by Microsoft to ensure you are a real person signing up for the account. 

If you select the Text Me option and then enter you mobile phone number Microsoft will send you a text message containing a verification code, that you will then have to enter in the field provided. 

If you select the Call me option, I imagine Microsoft will call you and give you this code.

Once you have been verified as human you should be able to click next and you will most likely be taken to a page where you can enter your billing information. Follow the instructions to set this up. 

Once you have completed all of this you should receive a confirmation email at the email address you entered in Step 1. This email should contain your password and and a link where you can sign in. You don’t need to worry about this for the time being, but if you can forward that email to us, we will go through the process of setting up our servers to start using the new Microsoft email address. Once we’ve completed that phase of the setup, we should be able to walk you through setting up the new email address to use on your computer if needed.